The History of Things

The History of Things
Archeology of the Heart

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

In Washing the BirdBath, The Birds Now Bathe

The tiger lilies are open in their funny little turban hats. I used to hate the color orange and tiger lilies have made me love it, in all its different shades. I took my digital camera and got right smack into the face of the lily and snapped! it's portrait, you might say. I did the same thing with a poppy.
The bird bath I cleaned out yesterday has had two visitors today: a Roufus-Sided Towhee and a Western Flycatcher. Maybe I'll write more later.


  1. Glad to hear the birds are visiting the newly cleaned birdbath! Tiger lilies are lovely!

    Thanks for your comment on my squirrel photo. Squirrels eat many different kinds of nuts plus insects and fuit. in the UK we have our native red squirrel and also the grey squirrel imported from the US, which has had a bad effect on the oppulations of our reds.

  2. populations of reds i mean of course

  3. so many years later: hello Dear Green Girl. I have risen not quite from the dead, but ceratainly from a great deal o f illnesses. I am trying to get back into the habit of writing in this blog again. I have a nearly 200 page book coming out within a few weeks: 30 short stories about an eleven year old girl who lives in a caravan park and is poor, but full of light.
