The History of Things

The History of Things
Archeology of the Heart

Monday, June 21, 2010

"Don't Need a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows..." Bob Dylan

Damn cold in the shade, frisky hot in the sun. There seems to be no spring this year, no oh holy spring of pixies and fairies and the playing of telephone with the foxglove blossoms....After church I shifted goatshit from one bed to another and watered everything down mixin' it up with the little lady-like pitchfork, because to use any of those good manly efficient tools sends me to bed for at least a day with swollen up vertabraes and muscles twitching and jumping, "Let's do the Twist, let's do the Mermaid and Twist and Shout in the bathtub while the watering runs on my soreness and I have to close the door and cry baby cry wishing wondering why did we move in here without remembering to check if there was a bathtub or not? Fools, I say, damn fools. But it IS a caboose and charming as heck when the weather is perfect and I'm wearing a sundress, (my genius friend Cynthia with the sewing hands took my feather weight Singer and a Ralph Lauren pattern and we're changin' them around here and there and making six summer frocks all different by adding rick rack here and lace there and I found some old white cotton bloomers as gossamer as those faery wings and we're gonna make a pattern for more bloomers and petticoats to wear under the frocks and, slap a straw hat on our heads and our bleached pink converse, no laces (thanks Zaby *vogue mag*) and man, we're gonna hit every lemonade stand in town and make the six year olds rich as howard hughes..

We emptied out our storage unit and gonna have the biggest best-est come-one-come-all yard sale this side of the Tahachapis and that'll save $92 ducats a month. Then I had the great idea of savin' more money by Daniel growin' his hair out again like Rex did AT cHURCH and Erin braids it every morning before he goes out to split wood or clean out the spring box wearing his khaki kilt cuz he can work his butt off in it and then jump into the outdoor shower when he's done with all his garden chores, just by unbucklin' a few pieces of leather, tearin' off his Tshirt and unlacin' his loggin' boots. (i have Dan's first braid, a foot long, in the Victorian Curio Cabinet inside the stray pieces of Great Aunt May's china pieces, wrapped around itself inna dessert bowl of that cobalt blue design on white,which was my great grandmother Nellie's (glorious!)and vireo nests with dried up inside eggs and arrowheads the Boy found in the meadow by settin' down (ouch!). There are so many treasures in that cabinet that I'm already making out my will who wants what, rather than who I want who to have what. Like it was a cinch to know that my niece Asia Renee ought to become the owner of my Sir James Barrie collection because she loves Peter Pan like I do and she wouldn't sell "Peter and Wendy" just because it's worth over $400. She's smart as a whip knowin' that with three girls in the house, that the money would disappear in two grocery shoppings and then she couldn't read it to her girls come winter nights. I have so many precious books that really aren't worth an arm and a leg but they are dee-lish for lovin' yr girls and boys with at night when everyone clean and in clean P.J.s, tucked in bed and listenin' to the Adventures of oh so many heros and heroines. So can ya see why it's nye on impossible, but I'm havin' the Will noterized tomorrow so that everyone gets o' chunk of Mimi to remember and love her by just in case my heart goes worse. And I had fun doin' it!

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