One is the Loneliest Number
Loneliness is a terrible disease. I don't, do not, feel sorry for myself, but I do wish some things were different. I read books as a child about orphans and thought I knew what that was all about. Now that I am an orphan, I know my earlier notions were romantic stories I just read. I didn't actually know the absolute feeling of being a singular person in the world without bloodlines that go backward. Thank god I have two grown children. No, I don't have the overwhelming need to have procreated in order to have continued my gene pool. But I do love the stories my grandmother told me about a relative who had walked the Trail of Tears and I always felt sad that the Irish came out so strong in my genetic make up. I think because there are so many Irish in the world compared to the Cherokee of my father's side. They were not well treated, but then, neither were the Irish. I love the Irish stories I heard as a small child. Poets have such a struggle taking sides, so I've decided I'm not going to. I am going to accept that I'm an Irish-Cherokee woman who knows how to eat out of the forest, weave a basket that can at least hold fruit or acorns, certainly not acorn mush or water and I can, or could before I had an accident with black ice and Winter, step-dance while rather drunk.
I've discovered I absolutely cannot live in a City. I become anxious immediately, so I've relished living for the last forty-three years in a town so small and many many of those years in the forest. I only moved to the outskirts of the town after my doctor told me that the heart condition I was born with would only worsen as I aged and I ought to be closer to a hospital, not that I would stay in one for any length of time. If I'm going to die, I decided as a teen , I would die in the woods, or if it's Winter, I'll die in my cabin with a fire in the stove. I miss my cabin, even if this town is so small and not filled with a lot of people, it does have a brand new hospital. I want the MDs to continue patching me up and sending me home to read or write poetry on the tiny front porch and watch the deer come up the road to eat green things. I didn't understand that aging would be like this. I am going to be sixty-two in less than a month and I'm not done yet I holler out to the sky, the clouds, the rain, the wind.
I find myself rather furious with English teachers who told us Henry David Thoreau was such a purist. He may have built his own cabin, but i repaired mine built in the Depression days and he only lived in his for eight months. I counted it out. I have him over a barrel and isn't it just like a man to make a big deal out of living in the woods for less than a year and eating dinner every Wednesday night at Mr. and Mrs. Emerson's house and Sundays with his mother. He may have chopped wood, but I dragged a 1957 Chevy hood into the forest and filled it with fallen dead wood and never once cut down a living tree. Two scores on you Henry David!
I have a new book coming out in a few weeks and another one in, I hope, a few months. The first one is thirty short stories and the second is a collection of poetry. I have in my file cabinet, four other manuscripts or is it five, that I want time to clean up the spelling, the phrasing and get them published as well. This has been my dream since I was twelve. I only have five books published now and I'm greedy. I want to shout out to the world all the words I have collected over the years that translate into my heart's language. I remind myself I have to hurry. I also have to save my burial money. I don't know if my sons will bury me. I think they will, but I'm not sure I can rely on them. No one called me this year for Mother's Day. I had explained to my children that Mother's day was not a Hallmark Greeting card holiday, but one that Julia Ward Howe, Author of Battle Hymn of the Republic (get the dichotomy of that title Battle and then Hymn.) They often forget Mother's Day, my birthday, Christmas, what would be so strange about forgetting to bury a woman the County could just as easily dump in a Potter's field. I'm strong, and I'm not strong. My inside heart is all-giving, it's only the cardiac that is falling to pieces. Countless surgeries and now a pacemaker. Ever since I was ten I've had a heart condition. I was born with Celiac's Disease but no one knew it until my pacemaker kept getting infected. Thank god for my doctor of forty-two years who researched me til two in the a.m. and discovered that was what was making me so sick since I was two and started eating 'people' food instead of baby food. I ought to have been born Japanese and lived on a rice based diet. The Celiac's is why I got breast cancer. You get sick, in the gut, then cancer (I lost my breast) and then you die. My MD saved my life again. When I was 19 and my heart was beating 300 times a minute he injected inderol right into my blood stream and I started dying. I saw Y'shua who told me to turn around and go back to where the schitzophrenic (sp) husband was holding the four month old son. This is why I love God. He saves me over and over. My body that is falling apart and isn't it supposed to do that when one gets to a certain age? I was born with so many things wrong with my body that I resent the fact that I cannot live like my Aunt Iris to 91 years old and publish all those books that are in my beautiful oak filing cabinets. If only ..If only...I refuse to feel sorry for myself. I refuse that emotion..And now I shall stop, because I'm starting to feel sorry for myself and I won't have it.
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