The History of Things

The History of Things
Archeology of the Heart

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Notes From The Rain Factory

               Willits from Halloween 'til Easter is rain rain rain. So now I have my Paris cafe in Willits, and almost enough rain. We're ten inches short of last year and that worries me. But still, let us pull on our wellies and run outside into the rain and kiss the clouds, let us lift our hands to the sky and reach for things that have no name, but are thrilling just the same or familiar things like chevrons of geese so soaked and cold that they are looking for a pond to land in and hide in the bushes and pussywillows. Let us pull the clouds right down onto our heads and make hats of them until we are ankle deep in puddles that water the vineyards and the little gardens all over our town..Why, I'm wearing mine  right now...


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