The History of Things

The History of Things
Archeology of the Heart

Friday, September 7, 2012

Gardening the Wrong Way with my Body

I couldn't sleep last night and so around three a.m. I found myself outside in one of the herbaceous borders pruning, watering, raking up my messes as I went along, grateful that our bit of land is set away from the rest of the neighbors, otherwise I would be thought thoroughly mad as I did my chores, delicately sniffing the clean cool air and just plain enjoying myself. Oh, I knew I would pay for it in the morning, which meant, whenever I woke up, but it felt worth it because of the cleanliness.Whenever I woke up, I knew I would be refreshed and happy. (I hadn't counted on the sore cramping muscles if I stayed in one place for too long, which is exactly what I did.) So all day I've had to practice getting up and down and generally moving in new and practical positions. And I'm still not comfortable, just sitting here typing. It' s a trick learning how to move in ways which will make it easy to move around in.

So I take a hot shower when my muscles cramp up and remind myself that I'm the mother; I'm supposed to think wisely first before moving around.  My right arm's nerves are not as strong as the whole of me due to the cancer and the mastectomy, but each day I get better and the columbine and foxgloves went to seed and now I have a lot of plants where before were just a few I cherished. Soon, the garden will be something new, just like me...

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