The History of Things

The History of Things
Archeology of the Heart

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Poem I found While Cleaning Out a Large Cardboard Box

And God, the mast of my ship:
tall, thick, true, leads me straight
on, by eye, to the North Star,
His Son by mouth, the allelujah
of starboard! And by dream,
pulling rope hand over hand
in a measurement of heaven,
I reach into my pocket of infinity
and pull out an anchor.

c. 2009 Robin Rule
Juliet, I realize this might not be yr spiritual path , but I want to ask you and anyone else, a question from a purely literary position: After looking at the poem that I wrote dec 2, 2007, I want to change it to "...I reach into my pocket of infinity..." because my relationship with the Holy Ghost is forever (since I was eight), but is
"I reach into a pocket of infinity and pull out an anchor..." (I left it "an", so you could see how I was originally thinking/feeling when I wrote this poem, but I am an intense editor, re-drafter and like to know in the end, that the poem is as perfect as i can make it. What say you, matey?


  1. I think the poem reads really well as it is, it's a difficult question, but i do think that 'my pocket of infinity' may work better for being more specific, 'an anchor' definitely works better than 'the anchor'.

    I love 'the allelujah of starboard', what an amazing phrase.....

    Have a very happy Christmas....

  2. juliet, you would not believe the garbage i went through to figure out how to edit those two silly little words and yet they weren't/aren't silly words. and now that i did it, i wonder if "an" IS the right word, because it could mean, "just any ol' anchor while i mean, The anchor that keeps me ballast. Anyway, thanks for the help. The lost comments, lost blogs it went through were a lifetime of growth, but i actually learned tho I don't guarantee I'll know it tomorrow.. thank you again good friend.
